Sunday, September 27, 2009

About SWORN (Scranton Women's Organization for Referral Networking)

SWORN (Scranton Women's Organization for Referral Networking)

The organization was founded in August 2005 by Amy Early Clegg. The meetings were first held at Perkins Restaurant in Dickson City, Penna. and have since moved to and presently held at The Inn at Nichols Village in Clarks Summit, Penna. The group meets the second Tuesday of each month with the exception of August. Meetings start at 8:00 a.m.

There is only one women per profession allowed to join the organization at a given time. Should a professional position open up, a new member is free to join. The dues are $120.00 per year. A free breakfast is served at every meeting.

SWORN is comprised of Business Women making a difference in the community by running various fundraisers for worthy local causes, all of which 100% of the proceeds are donated to the charities. By running these functions for charity and involving the public, the members of SWORN socialize with each other in a relaxed setting. This being the case, each member can freely refer each member of SWORN in their prospective businesses to new clients. She knows and can attest to their personalities and work ethics by bonding with them in a structured forum and a one on one basis.



Deb Stella said...

I guess I am the only short one in the SWORN group.

Special Occasions Florist said...

I have made so many contacts and friends because of this group. Through the years my business has grown and I have gained so much confidence. Thank you Amy for forming this important group of fantastic business women.

Deb Stella said...

Just wanted to say a big "Thank You" to Chris Wargo for setting up the blog along with the booklets and business cards for our group to help us promote SWORN. Let's all try to pop in once a week to see what's going on and add anything you have going on in your business!!!