Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March Meeting

Wow what an inspiring morning !!!
You only had to sit quietly and listen at the SWORN meeting this morning, to realize you were most definitely surrounded by the up coming women power houses in business. Truly an inspiring meeting for any business woman to attend. I can only say I am proud to be part of this organization and honor
ed to associate myself with it's members.

The speakers today were Amy Clegg of E
xpress Employment Staffing (Scranton) www.expresspros.com and Nancy Sarno de los Rio's of Sarno & Sons Tuxedos

Amy Clegg, www.expresspros.com announced a leadership seminar that will take place on Wednesday,
May 5, 2010 at The Hilton in Scranton, PA.
The seminar Leadership Instinct, "Discover your Leadership Instinct" will feature, Robert A. Funk, Jim Stovall, Ann Phillips and Russ
Moen. Amy was told to invite 600 business associates. The seminar is to be simulcast to all the Express franchises across the USA and Canada, also segments will be used in television ads. Watch for these commercials!

Robert A. Funk, founder, chairman of the board and CEO of Express Employment Professionals. A truly incredible, caring, giving man with an amazing history.

Jim Stovall, Author of "The Ultimate Gift", discusses his book, "100 Worst Bosses" and the lessons it teaches about what not to do
as a leader and how to grow your leadership skills.

Ann Phillips, consulting partner with Ken Banchard Companies and a expert on productivity improvement and organizational change.

Russ Moen, vice pres. of human resources at Express Employment Professionals, breaks down the Leadership Instinct training program and discusses the four leadership styles.

Find out what kind of animal leader you are. Amy offered all of the SWORN members admission to this unprecedented event. There will be a nominal fee of a few dollars all of which will be donated to the Children's Miracle Network a very worthy cause. For more information, or to register, visit

Amy had her profile analyzed at a leadership conference and she was told she used to be an Ostrich but now she is a Tiger. What kind of boss are you???

Chamber Membership...
Thank you Amy for your most generous offer of paying 1/2 of the fee for SWORN to become a member in the Scranton Chamber of Commerce. We all appreciate it!

Our s
econd speaker was
Nancy Sarno de los Rio's from:
Sarno & Son Tuxedos. www.SarnoandSon.com
Nancy, a truly amazing woman started a most worthy cause called, "One Stop Donation" (OSDD). www.donationdrop.org

"We know some people who could really use your unwanted items. You probably know them too, beca
use they're your neighbors." Nancy said with a tear in her eye. She went on to explain how these items went to needy and battered women and children. Toys donated made Christmas dreams come true. Anyone only had to listen for a minute or two to realize this is a woman with passion for a dream. And, what an dream! Nancy will be featured in Woman Day Magazine this month and hopes to see her vision followed throughout the USA and Canada.

Like I stated in the beginning of this blog, What an inspiring morning!

If you would like to help Nancy and others like her in this worthy event, please bring your gently used, un
wanted goods on Saturday, from 10:00 to 2:00 April, 17, 2010 to either of two locations. The University of Scranton or Clarks Summit United Methodist Church (Morgan Hwy).

I will state this again, because it is so important! If you can help in any way, Please visit... www.donationdrop.org

Important message:
Also one of our very own members, Cheryl L. Summa www.icarespecialists.com is hosting a Share Fair at the Kingston Armory, Kingston, Pa. Same time and date! Hey, This is starting to catch o
n... Good Work Cheryl! if you need information or like to help: www.ShareFair2010.org or ShareFairVolunteer@gmail.com

Now on to SWORN business...
All you "Party Animals" Please join us in helping the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter out in June. The animals need us!

The details aren't final yet however there will me music, lite food fare, and entertainment in true doggy style! SWORN always host fabulous events that are enjoyed by everyone so please bring your friends and relatives.

Welcome New Members!
SWORN is growing in leaps and bounds. It is no wonder when you meet our members...
Come only once to join us at a scrumptious breakfast and soon you will realize just how dynamic this group of women are and that is just what happened to our three new members:

Janelle Brant, Deitzer & Associates, LLC, janelle.brant@deitzer
Lindsey Reinheimer Loss, M.H.S.A. www.insuranceagency.com

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m.
The Inn at Nichols Village,
Clarks Summit, Pa.

PO Box 115,
Clarks Summit, Pa.