Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Slate of Officers

A new year has begun and our slate of officers are as follows:
Liz Bertocki - President
Chris Wargo - Vice President
Robin Green - Treasurer
Jodi Bunnell - Secretary

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Spooktacular Mini-Golf Tournament!

SWORN is helping Cancetacular!

Join us for an afternoon of
themed family fun!

Costumes are preferred,
not mandatory.
Prizes will be awarded!

"Lahey Family Fun Park"
500 Morgan Highway,
Clarks Summit, Pa. 18411

Registration, 12:30 P.M.
Shotgun starts at 1:15 and 3:15 P.M.

Enjoy snacks, music by DJ Eric Iyoob, carnival games & basket raffles!

In advance: $15 per golfer, $10 for students, $5 general admission only.
Day of al prices increase $5
Rain date, October 30, 2010
For tickets / questions, call 570-466-0658

All proceeds benefit local children battling cancer...

Friday, September 17, 2010

New President

Congratulations Liz Bertocki !
Elizabeth Bertocki
is the Director of Marketing & Admissions
at the
The Willowbrook & Riverview Ridge
Assisted Living Communities
and is now SWORN's new president.
All other positions are held as they were in the past year.

Chris Wargo: Vice President, Spe

Anne Kessler: Membership,

Robin Green: Treasurer,

Jodi Bunnell: Secretary

Thank you Jill Spott, Sheils Law Associates, P.C.,, our past president for all of your hard work and dedication to SWORN. Your hard work paid off in growing SWORN and helping several needy charities. It is time now for you to take a well deserved break, just don't get too laid back, we need you!

Information on the Organization:
SWORN (Scranton Women's Organization for Referral Networking)

The organization was founded in August 2005 by Amy Early Clegg. The meetings were first held at Perkins Restaurant in Dickson City, Penna. and have since moved to and presently held at Nichols Village in Clarks Summit, Penna. The group meets the second Tuesday of each month with the exception of August. Socializing start at 8:00 a.m., meetings start at 8:30 a.m.

There is only one women per profession allowed to join the organization at a given time. Should a professional position open up, a new member is free to join. The dues are $120.00 per year. A free breakfast is served at every meeting.

SWORN is comprised of Business Women making a difference in the community by running various fundraisers for worthy local causes, all of which 100% of the proceeds are donated to the charities. By running these functions for charity and involving the public, the members of SWORN socialize with each other in a relaxed setting. This being the case, each member can freely refer each member of SWORN in their prospective businesses to new clients. She knows and can attest to their personalities and work ethics by bonding with them in a structured forum and a one on one basis.

Contact SWORN at:
P.O. Box 115, Clarks Summit, Pa 18411
or contact any SWORN

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September's Meeting

Fall Fund Raiser...

SWORN is helping Cancertacular™!

What could be better than helping children afflicted with cancer? And what better month to do it in than October as we are all reflecting on our own childhood memories of Halloween.

Save The Date !!!!!!

October 23, 2010
SWORN and Cancertacular™ are hosting
Mini-Golf Tournament
Please join us for an afternoon of Halloween themed family fun !!!
Costumes are preferred, not mandatory.
Prizes will be awarded !!!

Lahey Family Fun Park, 500 Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit, PA 18411

Registration, 12:30 P.M.
Shotgun starts at 1:15 and 3:15 P.M.

Enjoy snacks, music by DJ Eric Lyoob, carnival games & basket raffles!

In advance: $15.00 per golfer, $10.00 for students, $5.00 general admission only.
Day of, price increase $5.00
Rain Date, October 30, 2010
For Tickets/Questions please call 570-466-0658
Chris Wargo, a florist at Special Occasions Florist spoke on what it meant to be a florist. She was pleased to announce that this year was her 21st year in business! She passed out cards with discounts off floral arrangements. Thank you! Special Occasions Florist is located at 2425 North Main Ave. Scranton, PA Phone 570-969-1091. Chris is also the Vice President of SWORN.

October is Breast Cancer awareness month and who better to speak at our September meeting than Robin Green, of Viewmont Medical Service. She explained

how important it is for all of us to get our mammograms. Viewmont Medical Service offers services such as Digital Mammography as well as CT, MRI, EKG, X-ray, Open MRI, Ultrasound, Bone Density, Physical Therapy and Vascular Ultrasound. Robin is the Marketing Representative for Prime Med and we are pleased to have her as our Treasurer for SWORN. She passed out "Green" tote bags to all the girls. A true asset to our organization Robin is full of suggestions and always eager to lend a helping hand. Thank you Robin for all you do for us.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Which Charity to Choose????

Ready for a Change? Chris Donnolo, Associate Dean at Luzerne County Community College, explained how easily you can make a career change by attending the Continuing Education Dept at Luzerne County Community College. They also have a Plus 50 Ageless Learning program for individuals 50 years or older who can apply for a $100.00 grant to be used towards payment of a Career Training Program. This is the largest community colleges in the Northeast and they offer numerous courses including a new one on casino gaming. Please contact Chris for more information.

It was time, once again to choose which charity we would donate our Fall Fundraiser funds to. We listened to two amazing women as they explained why their organization should be the one chosen. Each explained who benefits from their charity organization and why we should donate our proceeds to them. Our First presenter was Mary Belin Rhodes, a retired school teacher and board member, presented on EOTC. (Employment Opportunity & Training Center of NEPA) She was looking for support of the renovation of the Seventh Ave. Family Center. She explained how EOTC helps women in prison, fathers reunite with their families and children, mentor at risk students who may otherwise follow a negative path. Other non profit organizations will be able to share this new facility also. Mary teaches math to women in The Lackawanna County Prison two days a week. You can contact EOTC at and see for yourself why we considered donating to this awesome charity.

Secondly, We heard from an extra ordinary gal who not only was a childhood cancer survivor but started her own organization to help other children afflicted with this horrible disease. Her name is Tina Jezuit and her organization is called

Tina's long and difficult journey spilled out of her like it was just another day. We intently listened, most just awe struck to see her cheerfully smile and explain how she never gave up. This amazing women is now giving back and doing it big time! We at SWORN are very pleased to announce that we will be supporting her and her efforts to help these children and their families. Please if you or your organization are will to help this worthy cause please contact them at, Cancertacular, a non profit organization, helps children in 11 Pennsylvania counties, employs no one and is all based on donations from kind and caring citizens as you! Please Donate Today!

Friday, July 9, 2010

SWORN Member List 2009 - 2010

1. - Bonnie Perugini - Human Resources (One Source HR Solutions)

2. - Anne Kessker - Anti-aging (Nu Skin/Pharmanex)

3. - Deborah Stella - Jewelry (Lia Sophia Jewelry)

4. - Jamie Knight - Chiropractor (Professional Chiropractic Associates)

5. - Christine Wargo - Florist - (Special Occasions Florist)

6. - Angela Alfonso - General Manager (Nichols Village - Hotel & Spa)

7. - Carol Ann Onderko - Health care Ins. Agency (Humana)

8. - Kathleen MacDowell - Real Estate (One Source Realty)

9. - Amy Clegg - Employment Services (Express Employment Professional)

10. - Jill Spott - Attorney (Sheils Law Associates)

11. - Liz Bertocki - Dir. of marketing and admissions (Willowbrook and Riverview Ridge)

12. - Beverly Bright - Event Planning (Bright Happenings)

13. - Robin Green - (Viewmont Medical Service)

14. - Cherly Summa - Ophthalmology & Optometry (Eye Care Specialists)

15. - Jenny Kaye - Beautician (Kaye Kuts)

16. - Lisa Bromage - Health Insurance (Aflac)

17. - Christine Dommolo - Continuing Ed ( Assoc Dean/ Luzerne CCC.)

18. - Barbara Garrett - Home Mortgages (Summit Mortgage)

19. - Lindsey Loss - Insurance, property (Chamberlin, Reinheimer Insurance)

20. - Janelle Brant - Accountant (Deitzer & Associates LLC)

22. - Georgette Fetcho - Director of Customer Relations (Genesis Health Care)

23. - Lynn Vorhees - Cleaning Service (Lady of the Lake)

24. - Barbara Hampton
- Cleaning Service (Lady of the Lake)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Notes from the past few meetings.... Better Late than never!

Here's what happened in the April, May and June Meetings. Plans were made and fulfilled in regards to our Spring Fundraiser. As you read in the previous blog post, it was a huge success, just one more in the slew of successes for the phenomenal SWORN members. We donated $1600.00 to the Griffin Pond Animal Shelter. Thank you for all of your basket donations and hard work. A special thank-you to Debbie Stella, Lia Sophia Jewelry, who diligently worked on putting the whole event together. Thank you Debbie, you are a true asset to this group!

Our next, Fall fundraiser will be soon voted on, so please think of a cause that we can donate the proceeds to and bring it to our attention at the next meeting, which will be August 10, 2010 at Nichols Village, Clarks Summit, PA.

Well girls, we had some fun in the past few months....
First up, I'd like to show you pictures from our April meeting where the very talented Christina MacDowell treated us to some of her tasty, handmade cakes!

Christina, Owner, Baker/Designer of "The Queens Kitchen" is shown here raffling off her creations. Amy Clegg, (below) is one of the lucky winners. She won a cake purse! How cool is that! These cakes are not only a pleasure to look at, they are also scrumptious!

Elizabeth Bertocki, Genesis Health Care, is making her presentation on the benefits of living in a health care facility. Liz explained that Genesis offers a variety of services on more than 200 centers across 13 states. They offer Short Stay and Long Term Care services. Also available are Specialized services in Alzheimer's Care, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Ventilator Care and Dialysis care.

Just look at the smile on Bonnie Perugini from One Source HR Solutions, as she explains how she helps out companies. Now here is a woman who loves her job and is proud to say it! One Source HR Solutions provide outsourcing opportunities that include, benefit administration, paperless payroll processing, executive coaching, outplacement services, and at risk management solution's to help business owners control and reduce the cost of employees.

Ann Kessler, Nu Skin, always puts on an amazing presentation explaining the new technology in skin care. She uses the products herself and often treats the SWORN members to sample her products, one of which is the new Gavanic Spa. This amazing tool lifts and tightens the skin making it look and feel wrinkle-less and smooth. Ann also offers a skin care line and G3 juice to get you healthy from the inside out!

Debbie Stella, set up an array of cutting edge jewelry. She showed us the latest in jewelry fashion that all the Hollywood movie stars are wearing. Deb is the Region Manager and is looking for anyone who would like to be a jewelry adviser. So if your looking to make some extra money in a fun, exciting business, contact Debbie.

Barbara Garrett, from Summit Mortgage had some surprising facts to offer us about mortgages. She explained what causes your credit rating to fall and how to improve it. She informed us on the ins and outs of mortgages. Needless to say there were a ton of questions asked and Barb answered them all without hesitation. Here is a woman who knows her business inside and out!

SWORN has been growing in leaps and bounds!

Welcome New Members..

Lady of the Lake - Lynn Vorhees and Barbara Hampton

Any women interested in joining SWORN,

(Scranton Women's Organization for Referral Networking)

Please contact any member listed on this blog for a referral to join us at a free breakfast meeting or write to us at:


PO Box 115,

Clarks Summit, PA 18411

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 am.

at: Nichols Village, Clarks Summit, PA 18411

Please keep on mind, our new slate of officers.... before submitting a name ask the woman first. Then bring it to our August meeting.


Please bring your SWORN folders, copies of your business profiles and business cards to the August meeting. Remember it is up to you to make sure we all have your information!